The Monument

The “Willem”, as it is known locally, is the second highest monument in Germany, it towers above Porta Westfalica on the Wittekindsberg hill at a height of 268 metres. The Kaiser Wilhelm Monument is not only capable of dominating a wide surrounding area but is also the symbol of an entire region. It offers a unique panorama and is located in rich cultural surroundings.

History of the Monument

From the decision to construct a Kaiser Wilhelm memorial at Porta Westfalica, a star architect winning the major competition to build it, to the pompous inauguration in 1896; you can find out more about the history around the creation of the monument and the pompous inauguration by Kaiser Wilhelm II himself here.

Architectural History

The Kaiser Wilhelm Monument has very literally experienced turbulent times. During the roughly 120 years of its history it has survived rock falls, armaments production and explosions. Now the link between past and future has culminated in elaborate renovations, the reconstruction of the historical rotunda terrace and the introduction of a new concept. More information is available here.